Sunday, March 28, 2010
Maloche tough for comeback
Gladbach - In soccer, tennis on Thursday, Thomas had evidently little fun. No wonder Gladbach defender could yet occur since the end of October (Knochenabsplitterung in the shoulder) before any ball. Now the 31-year-old with daily training toils for comeback.
"They have more to do than if you're healthy," groans Small. After the lightning-OP at 31 October, the doctors had feared that it takes the former Leverkusen until mid-February.
"But the healing process has been running perfectly happily," beams Kleine. Since the beginning of this week, he now mixes again with the professionals.
Small: "I always feel better able to walk fully in the battles." After the disastrous friendlies he is placed in the center next to Dante, because his competitors in series by fluffed. Gladbachs final test on Saturday (15.30 clock, Borussia-Park) against Boleslav but is still too early.
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